Monday, October 5, 2015

Do It Now

Every so often I need to be reminded that I really do like the "Do It Now" philosophy.   I push decisions into the future because I think I'm not ready to commit.  I let small chores and errands pile up for later while I do other work because I foolishly think that  some extra space will soon magically appear in my schedule  I don't make the phone call because, you know, it's just easier to not confront the issue.  

Hearing these three words can help me flip the switch in my brain.  The wiser part of my mind can override the tendency to delay and I can go into action.   Action mode is the better mode.  It's energizing.  I get some freedom by knocking out some of the piled up/untouched "stuff" that needs to be addressed.  I feel freer and better about life.   

I may not be the only one like this.

It may be that some others need to be reminded to "Do It Now."

I asked Michelle (the daughter) to create a simple graphic that could draw attention to this life strategy.   I'm hoping it helps me and maybe you to flip the switch, up the energy level and start taking care of our business.