Monday, November 23, 2015

It Doesn't Matter.

Thanksgiving and Christmas usually mean family gatherings.   Family gatherings sometimes mean tension, conflict, hurt know what I mean.   Rivalries flare up.  Old hurts are remembered.  Differences of opinion emerge. Pride and stubbornness appear on the scene.  There can be clashes when their agenda doesn't match yours. 

Some of you are already dreading the day.

So here’s a thought: What if you decided to simply say to yourself - “It doesn’t matter.  I’m here to love and serve.”

Someone suggests something outrageous like “Let’s not have pecan pie this year.”   And instead of reacting with horror and contempt, what if you just thought, “It doesn’t matter.  I’m here to love and serve.”

Someone brings up that “thing” from your past.  And instead of helping re-start that argument or planning to bring up that “other thing” from their past, what if you just thought,  “It doesn’t matter.  I’m here to love and serve.”   

Perhaps the whole day could go better, at least for you and maybe for everyone if the thought you had in your head was,  “It doesn’t matter.  I’m here to love and serve.”

After all, the truth is,  it really doesn't matter.

When the Apostle Paul was trying to help some friends move away from tensions and conflict, he shared these words:
 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."     Philippians 2:3-4
As you work your way through the various encounters of Thanksgiving week, put others first and keep telling yourself,   “It doesn’t matter.  I’m here to love and serve.”  

You may find yourself pleased at how well it all goes.