Monday, September 28, 2015

Show It Big

During my growing up years I was around someone who constantly reacted/overreacted in a negative way.   

   I hated it.  

It was unnecessary.  It ruined the moment for everyone.   Tension and uneasiness were in the air when this person was around.   

Because I hated it, I determined to master the art of non-reaction.   Mr. Spock, the unemotional, uber-rational, Vulcan from the Star Trek series would be my role-model.   

At times this approach to negative circumstances served me well.  Avoiding over-reactions and handling crisis with a degree of calm are generally good things. 

But here’s what I’ve come to see: It wasn’t just the negative reactions that I bottled up.  I was lousy at expressing exuberance and joy and delight when good things happened.  In recent years, I think I’ve gotten better at it.  Probably having grandchildren has helped.  I want them to understand how much joy they bring their Pa-Pa.  I want them to see how much I love them.  I’m trying to do better about expressing appreciation, approval, and affection in a big way. 

So here’s a thought: Maybe, when it comes to showing how you feel, it would be helpful to show it big.   Show your love and show it big.  Show your appreciation and show it big.  Show your pride and show it big. 

I suspect you’ve walked in a room and been greeted by silence or a nod or a grunt.   How overwhelmingly wonderful.  I hope you’ve had the experience of walking into a room and the response was instant and fun and warm and friendly and genuine.   For whatever reason, they were glad to see you and they showed it and they showed it big.  And you liked it. 

So maybe today, we could practice this thing of showing it big.   When we see the people we love today and we feel some affection or approval or pride or excitement, we show it big.

You know they’ll like it.   And you will too.

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