Friday, December 4, 2015

The Gospel of Mark Project

Last Sunday I called on the wonderful folks at Faith Baptist to stretch themselves a bit and take on the challenge of reading the Gospel of Mark in December.   Many believers have never actually read a Gospel straight through.  It’s a mind-expanding, faith-building, exciting process.

And it’s completely doable.  Mark is the shortest of the Gospels with only 16 chapters.  I’ve already received reports from those who have begun.

What better way to celebrate the coming of Jesus into the world, than by reading his story?

So, I thought I’d extend the challenge.  Find your New Testament.  Start reading today.  The goal at church is to be done by the 20th.   I plan to recognize everyone who has taken the challenge.  But....the goal for you might be to finish by Christmas Eve.

So, how about it?   Read a chapter today.   And let me know on here or on Facebook that you’re joining in.

Monday, November 23, 2015

It Doesn't Matter.

Thanksgiving and Christmas usually mean family gatherings.   Family gatherings sometimes mean tension, conflict, hurt know what I mean.   Rivalries flare up.  Old hurts are remembered.  Differences of opinion emerge. Pride and stubbornness appear on the scene.  There can be clashes when their agenda doesn't match yours. 

Some of you are already dreading the day.

So here’s a thought: What if you decided to simply say to yourself - “It doesn’t matter.  I’m here to love and serve.”

Someone suggests something outrageous like “Let’s not have pecan pie this year.”   And instead of reacting with horror and contempt, what if you just thought, “It doesn’t matter.  I’m here to love and serve.”

Someone brings up that “thing” from your past.  And instead of helping re-start that argument or planning to bring up that “other thing” from their past, what if you just thought,  “It doesn’t matter.  I’m here to love and serve.”   

Perhaps the whole day could go better, at least for you and maybe for everyone if the thought you had in your head was,  “It doesn’t matter.  I’m here to love and serve.”

After all, the truth is,  it really doesn't matter.

When the Apostle Paul was trying to help some friends move away from tensions and conflict, he shared these words:
 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."     Philippians 2:3-4
As you work your way through the various encounters of Thanksgiving week, put others first and keep telling yourself,   “It doesn’t matter.  I’m here to love and serve.”  

You may find yourself pleased at how well it all goes.   

Monday, October 5, 2015

Do It Now

Every so often I need to be reminded that I really do like the "Do It Now" philosophy.   I push decisions into the future because I think I'm not ready to commit.  I let small chores and errands pile up for later while I do other work because I foolishly think that  some extra space will soon magically appear in my schedule  I don't make the phone call because, you know, it's just easier to not confront the issue.  

Hearing these three words can help me flip the switch in my brain.  The wiser part of my mind can override the tendency to delay and I can go into action.   Action mode is the better mode.  It's energizing.  I get some freedom by knocking out some of the piled up/untouched "stuff" that needs to be addressed.  I feel freer and better about life.   

I may not be the only one like this.

It may be that some others need to be reminded to "Do It Now."

I asked Michelle (the daughter) to create a simple graphic that could draw attention to this life strategy.   I'm hoping it helps me and maybe you to flip the switch, up the energy level and start taking care of our business.    

Monday, September 28, 2015

Show It Big

During my growing up years I was around someone who constantly reacted/overreacted in a negative way.   

   I hated it.  

It was unnecessary.  It ruined the moment for everyone.   Tension and uneasiness were in the air when this person was around.   

Because I hated it, I determined to master the art of non-reaction.   Mr. Spock, the unemotional, uber-rational, Vulcan from the Star Trek series would be my role-model.   

At times this approach to negative circumstances served me well.  Avoiding over-reactions and handling crisis with a degree of calm are generally good things. 

But here’s what I’ve come to see: It wasn’t just the negative reactions that I bottled up.  I was lousy at expressing exuberance and joy and delight when good things happened.  In recent years, I think I’ve gotten better at it.  Probably having grandchildren has helped.  I want them to understand how much joy they bring their Pa-Pa.  I want them to see how much I love them.  I’m trying to do better about expressing appreciation, approval, and affection in a big way. 

So here’s a thought: Maybe, when it comes to showing how you feel, it would be helpful to show it big.   Show your love and show it big.  Show your appreciation and show it big.  Show your pride and show it big. 

I suspect you’ve walked in a room and been greeted by silence or a nod or a grunt.   How overwhelmingly wonderful.  I hope you’ve had the experience of walking into a room and the response was instant and fun and warm and friendly and genuine.   For whatever reason, they were glad to see you and they showed it and they showed it big.  And you liked it. 

So maybe today, we could practice this thing of showing it big.   When we see the people we love today and we feel some affection or approval or pride or excitement, we show it big.

You know they’ll like it.   And you will too.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

This Seems Like A Good Idea...

So, here's my new blog.  Some of you will recognize the title and know its history.  Back in the day,  (the 80's & 90"s),  some friends at the local radio station would record me delivering 60 second devotionals which I called "Thoughts For The Journey."   It was a way for me to spread good ideas.
(Thanks Barb & Jocelyn.)

I am in the business of spreading good ideas. Sometimes I come across good (or GREAT) ideas.  Sometime I even come up with some good ideas on my own.   I don't want to keep them to myself.  So, by creating this blog, I have a way to share them.

I also know that our thinking matters.  The thoughts we allow to stay in our minds can be  our undoing.  The thoughts we introduce into our minds and keep there,  can set us on a course for effective and joyful living.   From time to time I want to share what I've learned or am learning about the thoughts that can defeat us and the thoughts that can transform us.

I hope to keep my posts brief, clear, to the point.   I'm making no promises about how often I'll post.

We're all on a journey through this world, through this life.   Perhaps along the way I can contribute some helpful thoughts that will make your journey a bit better and a bit more joyful.